I am a free-lance teacher. I have taught at schools and colleges. At present I am having fun teaching English to young children at my own tutorial center. I have learned so much as I spend more time with these young minds. I love writing and I have just completed my third manuscript.
Allah s.w.t has reminded us the significance of time management in surah al-Asr. Indeed, our worldly life tasks and pleasures can consume so much of our time. We might forget the true purpose of living life as amanah from Allah s.w.t. To live it according to His laws as He has instructed us to do! Only then, we would feel His presence in our daily routines, be it a menial task of clearing the garbage can at home to being in charge of a staggering million dollar project at work. When we are cautious and wise in managing our time, even worldy tasks cannot keep us from remembering Him. They become part of ibadah for we do them in the way that would earn His pleasure. We are, after all, accountable for everything we do during our lifetime!My apology to the readers of Polaris Blog for not posting for a very long while. Ramadhan has left and Shawwal is leaving soon. I hope it's not too late to wish 'Eid Mubarak' and 'Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin' to all. Soon we will welcome another Hijri month...Dhulqaedah. I see here and there my brothers and sisters in Islam are busy making final preparations to be the guests of Allah in the coming Hajj season. May Allah bless every step of their journey and return with Hajj al-mabrur.To Sis Niza....I do have the intention of writing English Islamic story books for kids, inshaAllah.To Sis Fatimahazzahra....perhaps you should visit Kafez blog. Ms. Susan Abraham did an online interview with me last year....I shared with her bits and pieces of my life as a writer.My third novel manuscript is reaching the third and last part of the story. In shaa Allah, I will post a few excerpts before the end of the year. For those who have read 'The Gift', my deepest thanks to all of you. Do send me your comments and reviews of it. I would love to read them.I hope to post more soon, in sha Allah. My du'as that Allah the Most Gracious is taking good care of all of you. Till my next entry....