
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Covid-19 Plandemic

This pandemic @ plandemic is getting ridiculous by the day as the measures taken to curb/control it have caused major damages emotionally, mentally, socially and economically. Educate yourselves, people! Knowledge enpowers you!

600 Doctors Plead with Trump

Another Top Expert: Lockdown is "Utter Nonsense"

Who are More at Risk from Covid_19?

Surgical Masks Do Not Save You From Coronavirus

Strict Lockdowns Have Caused More Harm Than Good

The Doctor Is In: Scott Atlas and the Efficacy of Lockdowns, Social Distancing, and Closings

Why are Google & YouTube so Afraid of Dr. Dan Erickson | Sebastian Gorka Radio

At least 50 plus international immunologists, virologists, epidemiologists, ER doctors, and more are speaking out against this nonsense that is COVID-19. All of them are very well respected and senior scientists in their fields. Listening to Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Dr. Daniel Erickson, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Witkowski and Dr. Vladimir Zelenko will 'open' your eyes to see the truth of Covid-19!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Happy Teachers' Day

Friday, May 8, 2020

Journey of a Gift

Here's the first three formatted chapters. Click here to download.

The Gift Series

Update on My Books

Alhamdulillah! With the prolong Covid-19 quarantine, I have returned to working on my book manuscripts...kind of a blessing in disguise :) After a long hiatus, I am back editing and formatting Journey of a Gift. In shaa Allah, I will post chapters in PDF. This is supposed to be my third book after finishing the second one, Timeless Gift. Timeless Gift which will be formatted into a book soon, in shaa Allah, will be posted here too in PDF. As for The Gift which is still selling at The Book Depository in the UK will be printed in Malaysia in shaa Allah. This will save the shipping cost of purchasing it from the UK. May Allah help me to get all done soon.

Monday, May 4, 2020


Ramadhan has been here for 11 days already. Thank you Allah...alhamdulillah...for including us in it. This year another loved one has gone to meet You...sad not having him with us this Ramadhan, but we have learned to live with the pleased with Your decree. Guide us to serve You the best we can. Bless the souls of those who have returned to You. Soon we will follow their steps too...may that day...the day to meet You... be the best day of my life.