"I will always be there for you...promise!" Such a sweet expression but how many times have we
failed to fulfill that promise? Or how many times has someone failed to fulfill a promise made to you? How would the person feel? How did you you feel?
Betrayed? Dejected? Disappointed? Angry? Sad?
As a Muslim, always add 'a tag' whenever you make a promise. A tag line?
"In shaa Allah / In syaa Allah" is a must tag for all Islamically permissible promises you make provided you do your best to fulfill them.
When you are not keen on fullfilling your promises right from the beginning, you might as well say...
"I can't/won't promise you..."! It may hurt that person upon hearing it, but you are actually saving him/her from a greater hurt when you break the promise that you have made.
So, ask your inner voice...deep in your heart.
Do you really want to make a promise? Would you do your best to honor it? Only you have the answer!